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Roanoke, VA Family Law, Personal Injury and Criminal Law Attorney

Practical Advice And Effective Solutions Related To Spousal And Child Support

Divorce presents many challenges — many of them financial. If you are experiencing this, spousal and child support are likely two important concerns for you. It is critical that you choose an attorney who has established a record of success in negotiations and at trial. Johnson Law PLC provides effective, compassionate support when you are facing the effects of a divorce.

At our firm, we always put your interests first, easing the emotional and financial burden of often contentious disputes. Whether you and your ex-spouse can work cooperatively or are involved in an angry dispute involving financial support and child custody matters, our attorneys can help you find a reasonable solution to your family law issues.

How To Calculate Child Support In Virginia

Virginia law provides support guidelines that family courts use to calculate how much child support will be paid by one parent to another. In determining the amount one must pay, factors taken into account include:

  • Custody and visitation arrangements
  • Incomes of both parents
  • Cost of health insurance
  • Child care expenses

Our attorney has the skill and flexibility to effectively represent you in and out of court. We understand exactly how child support is calculated and how spousal support is awarded in Virginia, and we can help you negotiate a favorable award that may deviate from the guidelines.

Understanding Virginia Spousal Support Guidelines

Dividing a household income can be complex, especially when one spouse is dependent on the other. In these situations, the court may give one spouse the right to collect spousal support, also known as alimony. In Virginia, alimony laws establish payment made from one spouse to the other either on a temporary or permanent basis. The amount of spousal support is made based on several factors, including:

  • Incomes of both parties
  • Education levels
  • Health
  • Standard of living
  • Duration of the marriage
  • Retirement benefits
  • Tax consequences of an award

Our divorce and family law attorney will help you navigate within the legal guidelines, ambiguities, special circumstances and individual concerns of spousal support. We have litigated many spousal support cases and have a reputation for achieving the most beneficial results possible.

Trust Our Experience In Divorce And Support Issues

To speak with an attorney who is experienced in family law cases and is dedicated solely to your best interests, call our offices adjacent to downtown Roanoke at 540-685-0136 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.